Efficient Office Space
Efficient Use of Office Space in Ilminster
Many large and small offices are often heated when there is nobody there and, with the new flexible working habits that have been formed during and after the pandemic, we do not all want to be working in the office for five or six days a week.
At Horton House in Ilminster, where Homethos is based, we believe that a new approach will appeal to many homeworkers and commuters who need a local office for only two days a week.
Flexible Workspace has been provided on the upper floors at Horton House on monthly licences for the last twenty years. An office room on the second floor has recently been furnished with two desks and two pedestal storage units so that each desk and storage unit can be allocated for the use of one of two licensees who will have the sole use of the room during normal office hours for two days a week. Using a new Dimplex Q-Rad electric heater and a Dimplex hub, the heater can be operated remotely via the Dimplex Control app so that the room is only heated when it is due to be occupied. Two different licensees can then each occupy the room exclusively for two days each. We believe that this will be a very efficient use of the office space. More details are available on this website at the section: FLEXIBLE WORKSPACE.