Tick Zero
Tick Zero: a journey to zero emissions
According to a news item from the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering: ‘A climate mitigation research group at the University of Cambridge have launched Tick Zero — a campaign that will help everyone start their journey to zero emissions.’
‘Tick Zero has been launched to help individuals take action.’
‘Tick Zero is fronted by six videos that are free to access, easy to understand and contain solutions that are realistic in today’s technological landscape. Most importantly, they are optimistic, with researchers demonstrating that there are many ways for businesses, individuals and nations to prosper if they embrace zero emissions.
The Tick Zero website is aimed at giving a clear and concise picture of climate mitigation background and action. The approach is:
Universal: The content is free for anyone to access and share
Accessible: You don’t need expertise or technical knowledge
Realistic: The solutions laid out do not rely on fantasy technologies
Optimistic: Everyone’s actions matter
Tick Zero recognises that reaching zero emissions is a huge task. However, it requires just a six per cent reduction in emissions per year, which feels more achievable. The videos show that, by starting at home and considering things like the amount of beef and lamb that we consume, the type of car we use, the amount of flights we take and the way that we use our gas boiler, we are all able to make real change.’
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